the below posted method in the code section contains a static method which is "with()". I want to test the code in below, so I coded the test of this method as shown in the testing section.
i tried to test the method using both of "spy()" and "mock()" but the test fails alwyas.
please let me know how can I test a method returns void?
public RequestCreator requestCreatorFromUrl(String picUrl) {
return Picasso.with(mCtx).load(picUrl);
public class ValidationTest {
private Context mCtx = null;
public MockitoRule mockitoRule = MockitoJUnit.rule();
public void setUp() throws Exception {
mCtx = Mockito.mock(Context.class);
Assert.assertNotNull("Context is not null", mCtx);
public void whenRequestCreatorFromUrlTest() throws Exception {
Picasso picasso = Picasso.with(mCtx);
Picasso spyPicasso = spy(picasso);
Uri mockUri = mock(Uri.class);
RequestCreator requestCreator = Picasso.with(mCtx).load(mockUri);
RequestCreator spyRequestCreator = spy(requestCreator);
RequestCreator actual = spyPicasso.load(mockUri);
Assert.assertEquals(requestCreator, actual);
Usually, if you end up using PowerMock
, that’s a good sign that you most possibly are on the wrong way.
What if instead of directly referring to Picasso
, you create a component, whose responsibility will be to load an image, let's say class ImageLoader
. What will this give to you?
Separation of concerns: if tomorrow you decide to move to Glide
, you shouldn't change each and every class where you were using Picasso
, you will just change implementation of ImageLoader
. Other components are non-wiser of these changes, because they are dependent on an abstraction, not on implementation
Seam: this will allow you easily mock dependencies in order to perform unit testing
This will be our abstraction:
interface ImageLoader {
RequestCreator load(String url);
Let’s provide an implementation:
class ImageLoaderImpl implements ImageLoader {
private final Picasso picasso;
public ImageLoaderImpl(Context context) {
this.picasso = Picasso.with(context);
public RequestCreator load(String url) {
return picasso.load(url);
Now, in your components whenever you need Picasso
use ImageLoader
Thus, your method becomes following:
public static RequestCreator requestCreatorFromUrl(String picUrl) {
return imageLoader.load(picUrl);
Then your test will look like this:
public void test() {
ImageLoaderImpl imageLoader = Mockito.mock(ImageLoaderImpl.class);
RequestCreator expected = Mockito.mock(RequestCreator.class);
String TEST_URL = "https://www.some.url/img.jpg";
RequestCreator actual = clazzToTest.requestCreatorFromUrl(TEST_URL);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
No mocking of static
method, no PowerMock