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Display an asp:hyperlink url if one is available, otherwise, display text only in a radgrid

I'm trying to add a hyperlink to my telerik radgrid NestedViewTemplate. I got the hyperlink to display when there is one available, however, if there is no hyperlink available from the database I want it to display "Hyperlink Not Available." Right now it displays "Hyperlink Not Available" as a hyperlink and not text.


            <asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl='<%# Bind("Hyperlink", "http://{0}") %>' Target="_blank" Text='<%# Bind("Hyperlink") %>'
             runat="server" ID="Hyperlink"></asp:HyperLink>


        using (PreferredVendorDataDataContext db = new PreferredVendorDataDataContext())

            var supplierInfoForGrid = (from v in db.Vendors
                                       join c in db.ContactTables on v.ContactID equals c.ContactID
                                       join a in db.AddressTables on c.PrimaryAddressID equals a.AddressID
                                       join geoMarket in db.GeographicalMarkets on c.GeoMarket equals geoMarket.GeoMarketID
                                       join catList in db.CategoryListings on v.VendorID equals catList.VendorID
                                       join businCat in db.BusinessCategories on catList.CatID equals businCat.CatID
                                       //  join counDistrict in db.CouncilDistricts on c.DistrictID equals counDistrict.DistrictID
                                       where v.Verified == true
                                       orderby businCat.Category
                                       select new
                                           businCatID = businCat.CatID,
                                           businCat = businCat.Category,
                                           companyName = v.CompanyName,
                                           description = v.Description,
                                           addressLine1 = a.AddressLine1,
                                           addressLine2 = a.AddressLine2,
                                           city = a.City,
                                           state = a.StateID,
                                           zip = a.Zip,
                                           phone = c.Phone,
                                           email = c.Email,
                                           Hyperlink = (c.Website == null ? "Hyperlink Not Available" : c.Website),

                                          geoMarket = geoMarket.GeoMarket,
                                           counDistrict = c.DistrictID.ToString()

                                       }).OrderBy(m => m.businCat).ThenBy(n => n.companyName).ToList();

            SupperlierGrid1.DataSource = supplierInfoForGrid;


  • enter image description here enter image description here

    In the code below, I got it to work for Website hyperlinks and to open outlook for the e-mails. In the front-end users will be able to see if hyperlinks or e-mails are available and open the new page(that is either website or outlook), otherwise, it will display text if hyperlink or email is not available.


         select new
           businCatID = businCat.CatID,
           businCat = businCat.Category,
           companyName = v.CompanyName,
           description = v.Description,
           addressLine1 = a.AddressLine1,
           addressLine2 = a.AddressLine2,
           city = a.City,
           state = a.StateID,
           zip = a.Zip,
           phone = c.Phone,
           email = (c.Email == null ? "No E-mail Address Available" : c.Email),
           Hyperlink = (c.Website == null ? "No Website Available" : c.Website),
           geoLocation = geoMarket.GeoMarket,
           counDistrict = c.DistrictID}).OrderBy(m => m.businCat).ThenBy(n => n.companyName).ToList();


                  <ClientEvents OnRowClick="innerRowClick" />
              <asp:Panel ID="NestedViewPanel" runat="server" CssClass="viewWrap" BackColor="white">
                   <div class="descriptionWrap">
                          <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink2" runat="server"  NavigateUrl='<%# Bind("Hyperlink", "http://{0}") %>' Target="_blank"
                           Text='<%# Eval("Hyperlink") %>' Visible='<%# Convert.ToBoolean(Eval("Hyperlink").ToString() != "No Website Available" ? "True" : "False") %>'>
                            <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server"  Text='<%# Eval("Hyperlink") %>' Visible='<%#  Convert.ToBoolean((Eval("Hyperlink").ToString() != "No Website Available" ? "False" : "True")) %>'>
                          <b>E-mail Address:</b>
                          <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server"  NavigateUrl='<%# Bind("email", "mailto:{0}") %>' Target="_blank"
                           Text='<%# Eval("email") %>' Visible='<%# Convert.ToBoolean(Eval("email").ToString() != "No E-mail Address Available" ? "True" : "False") %>'>
                             <asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server"  Text='<%# Eval("email") %>' Visible='<%#  Convert.ToBoolean((Eval("email").ToString() != "No E-mail Address Available" ? "False" : "True")) %>'>