Whenever I click on my retry button on my app, it throws me out of the app and back to the AppDelegate.
Entire Code(It's a lot, I know)
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var logo: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var gameOver: UIImageView!
@IBAction func Play(_ sender: Any) { //What Happens After you click the "Play" button
tapsValid = true
ballChange = true
self.gameOver.isHidden = true
self.retry.isHidden = true
self.Ball.isHidden = false
self.logo.isHidden = true
self.Play.isHidden = true
self.scoreBoard.isHidden = true
scoreOnBoard.isHidden = true
highScoreOnBoard.isHidden = true
scoreLabel.isHidden = false
self.Ball.center.x = 178.0
self.Ball.center.y = 390.0
self.pillar.center = CGPoint(x: 175.0,y: 436.0)
self.pillar2.center = CGPoint(x: 214.0,y: 407.0)
self.pillarTop2.center = CGPoint(x: pillar.center.x, y: pillar.center.y-35)
self.pillarTop3.center = CGPoint(x: pillar2.center.x, y: pillar2.center.y-35)
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.045, target: self, selector: #selector(ViewController.movement), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
self.pillar3.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar2.center.x, y: pillar2.center.y)
self.pillar4.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar3.center.x, y: pillar3.center.y)
self.pillar5.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar4.center.x, y: pillar4.center.y)
self.pillar6.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar5.center.x, y: pillar5.center.y)
self.pillar7.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar6.center.x, y: pillar6.center.y)
self.pillar8.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar7.center.x, y: pillar7.center.y)
self.pillar9.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar8.center.x, y: pillar8.center.y)
self.pillar10.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar9.center.x, y: pillar9.center.y)
self.pillar11.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar10.center.x, y: pillar10.center.y)
self.pillar12.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar11.center.x, y: pillar11.center.y)
self.pillar13.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar12.center.x, y: pillar12.center.y)
self.pillar14.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar13.center.x, y: pillar13.center.y)
self.pillar15.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar14.center.x, y: pillar14.center.y)
self.pillar16.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar15.center.x, y: pillar15.center.y)
self.pillar17.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar16.center.x, y: pillar16.center.y)
self.pillar18.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar17.center.x, y: pillar17.center.y)
self.pillar19.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar18.center.x, y: pillar18.center.y)
self.pillar20.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar19.center.x, y: pillar19.center.y)
self.pillar21.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar20.center.x, y: pillar20.center.y)
self.pillar22.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar21.center.x, y: pillar21.center.y)
self.pillar23.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar22.center.x, y: pillar22.center.y)
self.pillar24.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar23.center.x, y: pillar23.center.y)
self.pillar25.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar24.center.x, y: pillar24.center.y)
self.pillar26.center = pillarPlacement(x: pillar25.center.x, y: pillar25.center.y)
self.pillar.isHidden = false
self.pillar2.isHidden = false
self.pillar3.isHidden = false
self.pillar4.isHidden = false
self.pillar5.isHidden = false
self.pillar6.isHidden = false
self.pillar7.isHidden = false
self.pillar8.isHidden = false
self.pillar9.isHidden = false
self.pillar10.isHidden = false
self.pillar11.isHidden = false
self.pillar12.isHidden = false
self.pillar13.isHidden = false
self.pillar14.isHidden = false
self.pillar15.isHidden = false
self.pillar16.isHidden = false
self.pillar17.isHidden = false
self.pillar18.isHidden = false
self.pillar19.isHidden = false
self.pillar20.isHidden = false
self.pillar21.isHidden = false
self.pillar22.isHidden = false
self.pillar23.isHidden = false
self.pillar24.isHidden = false
self.pillar25.isHidden = false
self.pillar26.isHidden = false
self.pillarTop.isHidden = false
self.pillarTop2.isHidden = false
self.pillarTop3.isHidden = false
@IBAction func Retry(sender: Any) {
@IBOutlet var gameView: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar26: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar25: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar24: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar23: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar22: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar21: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar20: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar19: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar18: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar17: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar16: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar15: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar14: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar13: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar12: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar11: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar10: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar9: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar8: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar7: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar6: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar5: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar4: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar3: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar2: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillar: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillarTop6: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillarTop5: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillarTop4: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillarTop3: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillarTop2: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var pillarTop: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var Play: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var highScoreOnBoard: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var scoreOnBoard: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var scoreLabel: UILabel!
var timer = Timer()
var tapsValid:Bool?
var ballRight:Bool?
var ballChange:Bool?
var ballCenter: CGPoint?
var pillarCenter: CGPoint?
var pillar2Center: CGPoint?
var pillar3Center: CGPoint?
var pillar4Center: CGPoint?
var pillar5Center: CGPoint?
var pillar6Center: CGPoint?
var pillar7Center: CGPoint?
var pillar8Center: CGPoint?
var pillar9Center: CGPoint?
var pillar10Center: CGPoint?
var pillar11Center: CGPoint?
var pillar12Center: CGPoint?
var pillar13Center: CGPoint?
var pillar14Center: CGPoint?
var pillar15Center: CGPoint?
var pillar16Center: CGPoint?
var pillar17Center: CGPoint?
var pillar18Center: CGPoint?
var pillar19Center: CGPoint?
var pillar20Center: CGPoint?
var pillar21Center: CGPoint?
var pillar22Center: CGPoint?
var pillar23Center: CGPoint?
var pillar24Center: CGPoint?
var pillar25Center: CGPoint?
var pillar26Center: CGPoint?
var pillarTopCenter: CGPoint?
var pillarTop2Center: CGPoint?
var pillarTop3Center: CGPoint?
var pillarTop4Center: CGPoint?
var pillarTop5Center: CGPoint?
var pillarTop6Center: CGPoint?
@IBOutlet weak var scoreBoard: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var retry: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var Ball: UIImageView!
//Start Screen
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.gameOver.isHidden = true
self.retry.isHidden = true
self.Ball.isHidden = true
self.logo.isHidden = false
self.Play.isHidden = false
self.scoreBoard.isHidden = true
self.Ball.isHidden = true
self.pillar.isHidden = true
self.pillar2.isHidden = true
self.pillar3.isHidden = true
self.pillar4.isHidden = true
self.pillar5.isHidden = true
self.pillar6.isHidden = true
self.pillar7.isHidden = true
self.pillar8.isHidden = true
self.pillar9.isHidden = true
self.pillar10.isHidden = true
self.pillar11.isHidden = true
self.pillar12.isHidden = true
self.pillar13.isHidden = true
self.pillar14.isHidden = true
self.pillar15.isHidden = true
self.pillar16.isHidden = true
self.pillar17.isHidden = true
self.pillar18.isHidden = true
self.pillar19.isHidden = true
self.pillar20.isHidden = true
self.pillar21.isHidden = true
self.pillar22.isHidden = true
self.pillar23.isHidden = true
self.pillar24.isHidden = true
self.pillar25.isHidden = true
self.pillar26.isHidden = true
self.pillarTop.isHidden = true
self.pillarTop2.isHidden = true
self.pillarTop3.isHidden = true
self.pillarTop4.isHidden = true
self.pillarTop5.isHidden = true
self.pillarTop6.isHidden = true
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
if tapsValid == true
if ballRight == true
ballChange = false
} else
ballChange = true
func movement()
ballCenter = self.Ball.center
pillarCenter = self.pillar.center
pillar2Center = self.pillar2.center
pillar3Center = self.pillar3.center
pillar4Center = self.pillar4.center
pillar5Center = self.pillar5.center
pillar6Center = self.pillar6.center
pillar7Center = self.pillar7.center
pillar8Center = self.pillar8.center
pillar9Center = self.pillar9.center
pillar10Center = self.pillar10.center
pillar11Center = self.pillar11.center
pillar12Center = self.pillar12.center
pillar13Center = self.pillar13.center
pillar14Center = self.pillar14.center
pillar15Center = self.pillar15.center
pillar16Center = self.pillar16.center
pillar17Center = self.pillar17.center
pillar18Center = self.pillar18.center
pillar19Center = self.pillar19.center
pillar20Center = self.pillar20.center
pillar21Center = self.pillar21.center
pillar22Center = self.pillar22.center
pillar23Center = self.pillar23.center
pillar24Center = self.pillar24.center
pillar25Center = self.pillar25.center
pillar26Center = self.pillar26.center
pillarTopCenter = self.pillarTop.center
pillarTop2Center = self.pillarTop2.center
pillarTop3Center = self.pillarTop3.center
pillarTop4Center = self.pillarTop4.center
pillarTop5Center = self.pillarTop5.center
pillarTop6Center = self.pillarTop6.center
if ballChange == false
ballRight = false
} else
ballRight = true
if ballRight == true
Ball.center.x += 6.5
Ball.center.y -= 0.5
Ball.center.x -= 6.5
Ball.center.y -= 0.5
Ball.center.y += 0.5
pillar.center.y += 5.0
pillar2.center.y += 5.0
pillar3.center.y += 5.0
pillar4.center.y += 5.0
pillar5.center.y += 5.0
pillar6.center.y += 5.0
pillar7.center.y += 5.0
pillar8.center.y += 5.0
pillar9.center.y += 5.0
pillar10.center.y += 5.0
pillar11.center.y += 5.0
pillar12.center.y += 5.0
pillar13.center.y += 5.0
pillar14.center.y += 5.0
pillar15.center.y += 5.0
pillar16.center.y += 5.0
pillar17.center.y += 5.0
pillar18.center.y += 5.0
pillar19.center.y += 5.0
pillar20.center.y += 5.0
pillar21.center.y += 5.0
pillar22.center.y += 5.0
pillar23.center.y += 5.0
pillar24.center.y += 5.0
pillar25.center.y += 5.0
pillar26.center.y += 5.0
pillar.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar.center.x, floaty: pillar.center.y, pillarNumber: 1)
pillar2.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar2.center.x, floaty: pillar2.center.y, pillarNumber: 2)
pillar3.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar3.center.x, floaty: pillar3.center.y, pillarNumber: 3)
pillar4.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar4.center.x, floaty: pillar4.center.y, pillarNumber: 4)
pillar5.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar5.center.x, floaty: pillar5.center.y, pillarNumber: 5)
pillar6.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar6.center.x, floaty: pillar6.center.y, pillarNumber: 6)
pillar7.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar7.center.x, floaty: pillar7.center.y, pillarNumber: 7)
pillar8.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar8.center.x, floaty: pillar8.center.y, pillarNumber: 8)
pillar9.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar9.center.x, floaty: pillar9.center.y, pillarNumber: 9)
pillar10.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar10.center.x, floaty: pillar10.center.y, pillarNumber: 10)
pillar11.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar11.center.x, floaty: pillar11.center.y, pillarNumber: 11)
pillar12.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar12.center.x, floaty: pillar12.center.y, pillarNumber: 12)
pillar13.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar13.center.x, floaty: pillar13.center.y, pillarNumber: 13)
pillar14.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar14.center.x, floaty: pillar14.center.y, pillarNumber: 14)
pillar15.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar15.center.x, floaty: pillar15.center.y, pillarNumber: 15)
pillar16.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar16.center.x, floaty: pillar16.center.y, pillarNumber: 16)
pillar17.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar17.center.x, floaty: pillar17.center.y, pillarNumber: 17)
pillar18.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar18.center.x, floaty: pillar18.center.y, pillarNumber: 18)
pillar19.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar19.center.x, floaty: pillar19.center.y, pillarNumber: 19)
pillar20.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar20.center.x, floaty: pillar20.center.y, pillarNumber: 20)
pillar21.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar21.center.x, floaty: pillar21.center.y, pillarNumber: 21)
pillar22.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar22.center.x, floaty: pillar22.center.y, pillarNumber: 22)
pillar23.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar23.center.x, floaty: pillar23.center.y, pillarNumber: 23)
pillar24.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar24.center.x, floaty: pillar24.center.y, pillarNumber: 24)
pillar25.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar25.center.x, floaty: pillar25.center.y, pillarNumber: 25)
pillar26.center = movePillarUp(floatx: pillar26.center.x, floaty: pillar26.center.y, pillarNumber: 26)
if (((Ball.center.x > pillarTop.center.x - 50) && (Ball.center.x < pillarTop.center.x + 50) && (Ball.center.y > pillarTop.center.y - 45) && (Ball.center.y < pillarTop.center.y + 45)) ||
((Ball.center.x > pillarTop.center.x - 50) && (Ball.center.x < pillarTop.center.x + 50) && (Ball.center.y > pillarTop.center.y - 45) && (Ball.center.y < pillarTop.center.y + 45)) ||
((Ball.center.x > pillarTop2.center.x - 50) && (Ball.center.x < pillarTop2.center.x + 50) && (Ball.center.y > pillarTop2.center.y - 45) && (Ball.center.y < pillarTop2.center.y + 45)) ||
((Ball.center.x > pillarTop3.center.x - 50) && (Ball.center.x < pillarTop3.center.x + 50) && (Ball.center.y > pillarTop3.center.y - 45) && (Ball.center.y < pillarTop3.center.y + 45)) ||
((Ball.center.x > pillarTop4.center.x - 50) && (Ball.center.x < pillarTop4.center.x + 50) && (Ball.center.y > pillarTop4.center.y - 45) && (Ball.center.y < pillarTop4.center.y + 45)) ||
((Ball.center.x > pillarTop5.center.x - 50) && (Ball.center.x < pillarTop5.center.x + 50) && (Ball.center.y > pillarTop5.center.y - 45) && (Ball.center.y < pillarTop5.center.y + 45)) ||
((Ball.center.x > pillarTop6.center.x - 50) && (Ball.center.x < pillarTop6.center.x + 50) && (Ball.center.y > pillarTop6.center.y - 45) && (Ball.center.y < pillarTop6.center.y + 45)))
func movePillarUp(floatx: CGFloat, floaty: CGFloat, pillarNumber: Int) -> (CGPoint)
var center = CGPoint(x: floatx,y: floaty)
if checkPillarPosition(y: floaty) == true
switch pillarNumber
case 1:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar26.center.x, y: self.pillar26.center.y)
case 2:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar2)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar.center.x, y: self.pillar.center.y)
case 3:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar3)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar2.center.x, y: self.pillar2.center.y)
case 4:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar4)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar3.center.x, y: self.pillar3.center.y)
case 5:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar5)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar4.center.x, y: self.pillar4.center.y)
case 6:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar6)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar5.center.x, y: self.pillar5.center.y)
case 7:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar7)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar6.center.x, y: self.pillar6.center.y)
case 8:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar8)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar7.center.x, y: self.pillar7.center.y)
case 9:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar9)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar8.center.x, y: self.pillar8.center.y)
case 10:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar10)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar9.center.x, y: self.pillar9.center.y)
case 11:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar11)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar10.center.x, y: self.pillar10.center.y)
case 12:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar12)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar12.center.x, y: self.pillar12.center.y)
case 13:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar13)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar12.center.x, y: self.pillar12.center.y)
case 14:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar14)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar13.center.x, y: self.pillar13.center.y)
case 15:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar15)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar14.center.x, y: self.pillar14.center.y)
case 16:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar16)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar15.center.x, y: self.pillar15.center.y)
case 17:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar17)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar16.center.x, y: self.pillar16.center.y)
case 18:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar18)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar17.center.x, y: self.pillar17.center.y)
case 19:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar19)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar18.center.x, y: self.pillar18.center.y)
case 20:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar20)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar19.center.x, y: self.pillar19.center.y)
case 21:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar21)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar20.center.x, y: self.pillar20.center.y)
case 22:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar22)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar21.center.x, y: self.pillar21.center.y)
case 23:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar23)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar22.center.x, y: self.pillar22.center.y)
case 24:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar24)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar23.center.x, y: self.pillar23.center.y)
case 25:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar25)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar24.center.x, y: self.pillar24.center.y)
case 26:
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar26)
center = pillarPlacement(x: self.pillar25.center.x, y: self.pillar25.center.y)
func gameOverScreen()
tapsValid = false
scoreLabel.isHidden = true
gameOver.isHidden = false
retry.isHidden = false
scoreBoard.isHidden = false
scoreOnBoard.isHidden = false
highScoreOnBoard.isHidden = false
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar2)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar3)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar4)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar5)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar6)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar7)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar8)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar9)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar10)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar11)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar12)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar13)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar14)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar15)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar16)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar17)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar18)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar19)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar20)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar21)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar22)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar23)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar24)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar25)
gameView.sendSubview(toBack: pillar26)
func checkPillarPosition(y: CGFloat) -> (Bool)
var low = false
if y>720
low = true
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews()
if let newBallCenter = ballCenter{
self.Ball.center = newBallCenter
if let newPillarCenter = pillarCenter{
self.pillar.center = newPillarCenter
if let newPillar2Center = pillar2Center{
self.pillar2.center = newPillar2Center
if let newPillar3Center = pillar3Center{
self.pillar3.center = newPillar3Center
if let newPillar4Center = pillar4Center{
self.pillar4.center = newPillar4Center
if let newPillar5Center = pillar5Center{
self.pillar5.center = newPillar5Center
if let newPillar6Center = pillar6Center{
self.pillar6.center = newPillar6Center
if let newPillar7Center = pillar7Center{
self.pillar7.center = newPillar7Center
if let newPillar8Center = pillar8Center{
self.pillar8.center = newPillar8Center
if let newPillar9Center = pillar9Center{
self.pillar9.center = newPillar9Center
if let newPillar10Center = pillar10Center{
self.pillar10.center = newPillar10Center
if let newPillar11Center = pillar11Center{
self.pillar11.center = newPillar11Center
if let newPillar12Center = pillar12Center{
self.pillar12.center = newPillar12Center
if let newPillar13Center = pillar13Center{
self.pillar13.center = newPillar13Center
if let newPillar14Center = pillar14Center{
self.pillar14.center = newPillar14Center
if let newPillar15Center = pillar15Center{
self.pillar15.center = newPillar15Center
if let newPillar16Center = pillar16Center{
self.pillar16.center = newPillar16Center
if let newPillar17Center = pillar17Center{
self.pillar17.center = newPillar17Center
if let newPillar18Center = pillar18Center{
self.pillar18.center = newPillar18Center
if let newPillar19Center = pillar19Center{
self.pillar19.center = newPillar19Center
if let newPillar20Center = pillar20Center{
self.pillar20.center = newPillar20Center
if let newPillar21Center = pillar21Center{
self.pillar21.center = newPillar21Center
if let newPillar22Center = pillar22Center{
self.pillar22.center = newPillar22Center
if let newPillar24Center = pillar24Center{
self.pillar24.center = newPillar24Center
if let newPillar25Center = pillar25Center{
self.pillar25.center = newPillar25Center
if let newPillar26Center = pillar26Center{
self.pillar26.center = newPillar26Center
if let newPillarTopCenter = pillarTopCenter{
self.pillarTop.center = newPillarTopCenter
if let newPillarTop2Center = pillarTop2Center{
self.pillarTop2.center = newPillarTop2Center
if let newPillarTop3Center = pillarTop3Center{
self.pillarTop3.center = newPillarTop3Center
if let newPillarTop4Center = pillarTop4Center{
self.pillarTop4.center = newPillarTop4Center
if let newPillarTop5Center = pillarTop5Center{
self.pillarTop5.center = newPillarTop5Center
if let newPillarTop6Center = pillarTop6Center{
self.pillarTop6.center = newPillarTop6Center
// This Function Places the Pillars
func pillarPlacement(x:CGFloat , y:CGFloat ) -> (CGPoint)
var pillarNewX:CGFloat
var pillarNewY:CGFloat
var random:Int = Int(arc4random() % 2)
if random == 1
pillarNewX = x + 39
pillarNewY = y - 29
if pillarNewX >= 319
pillarNewX = x-40
pillarNewY = y-30
pillarNewX = x - 40
pillarNewY = y - 30
if pillarNewX <= 17
pillarNewX = x+39
pillarNewY = y-29
var newPillarCenter = CGPoint(x: pillarNewX,y: pillarNewY)
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
I think it is telling me that when I click on the retry button something is being sent back incorrectly but I don't exactly know what is being sent incorrectly. If anyone could tell me whatever I did wrong, it would be gravely appreciated. Thank you.
Similar to Florin's answer, but might get your solution faster, is if you remove the action attached to your button in your xib or storyboard (assuming you're using either), then re-attach targeting your Retry: method in your code. If that doesn't help, please provide a screenshot of the action for this button on the InterfaceBuilder side.