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why is my riverplot so weird looking?

I'm trying to generate a riverplot, but the output that I have looks like the edges are coming from the wrong side of each bar which makes it difficult to interpret. enter image description here

The data I'm using is:


       N1       N2      Value
1     off    off.1 0.77149877
2    weak    off.1 0.47474747
3  medium    off.1 0.17537313
4  strong    off.1 0.03603604
5     off    low.1 0.06879607
6    weak    low.1 0.26262626
7  medium    low.1 0.13432836
8  strong    low.1 0.01351351
9     off medium.1 0.12530713
10   weak medium.1 0.23232323
11 medium medium.1 0.54850746
12 strong medium.1 0.20720721
13    off strong.1 0.03439803
14   weak strong.1 0.03030303
15 medium strong.1 0.14179104
16 strong strong.1 0.74324324


        ID x y
1      off 1 4
2     weak 1 3
3   medium 1 2
4   strong 1 1
5    off.1 2 4
6    low.1 2 3
7 medium.1 2 2
8 strong.1 2 1

and the code for the plot is:

palette = paste0(brewer.pal(5, "Set2"), "60")
styles = lapply(nodes$y, function(n) {
  list(col = palette[n+1], lty = 0, textcol = "black")
names(styles) = nodes$ID
nlabels <- c(off = 'off', weak = 'weak', medium = 'medium',strong = 'strong', 
             off.1 = 'off', weak.1 = 'weak', medium.1 = 'medium', strong.1 = 'strong')
x <- makeRiver(nodes, edges, node_styles = styles, node_labels = nlabels)


  • The problem can be solved specifying the vertical positions of nodes on the plot (nodes_ypos option):

    x <- makeRiver(nodes, edges, node_styles = styles, node_labels = nlabels,

    enter image description here

    Using the sankeyNetwork function of the networkD3 you can get a similar (interactive) plot:

    edges <- read.table(text="
    n       N1       N2      Value
    1     off    off.1 0.77149877
    2    weak    off.1 0.47474747
    3  medium    off.1 0.17537313
    4  strong    off.1 0.03603604
    5     off    low.1 0.06879607
    6    weak    low.1 0.26262626
    7  medium    low.1 0.13432836
    8  strong    low.1 0.01351351
    9     off medium.1 0.12530713
    10   weak medium.1 0.23232323
    11 medium medium.1 0.54850746
    12 strong medium.1 0.20720721
    13    off strong.1 0.03439803
    14   weak strong.1 0.03030303
    15 medium strong.1 0.14179104
    16 strong strong.1 0.74324324
    ", header=T)
    nodes <- read.table(text="
    n        ID x y
    1      off 1 4
    2     weak 1 3
    3   medium 1 2
    4   strong 1 1
    5    off.1 2 4
    6    low.1 2 3
    7 medium.1 2 2
    8 strong.1 2 1
    ", header=T)
    nodes$ID <- as.character(nodes$ID)
    edges$N1 <- as.numeric(factor(edges$N1, levels=c("off","weak","medium","strong")))-1
    edges$N2 <- as.numeric(factor(edges$N2, levels=c("off.1","low.1","medium.1","strong.1")))+3
    sankeyNetwork(Links = edges, Nodes = nodes, Source = "N1",
                 Target = "N2", Value = "Value", NodeID = "ID",
                 units = "", fontSize = 12, nodeWidth = 30)

    enter image description here