I'm using vb.NET in Visual Studio 2010. I found an example of how to add a ComboBox to a DataGridView cell, and I added it to my code. When I run the code, and I add a new row, the ComboBox is visible, but it has no value displayed in it and it won't drop down.
Have I missed something from the code? Does the DataGridView need to have certain properties set?
Dim gridComboBox As New DataGridViewComboBoxCell
gridComboBox.Items.Add("A") 'Populate the Combobox
gridComboBox.Items.Add("B") 'Populate the Combobox
gridComboBox.Items.Add("C") 'Populate the Combobox
dgvFiles(2, dgvFiles.Rows.Count - 1) = gridComboBox
I had set four columns at design time, that wasn't the issue. The issue turned out to be that I had set the DataGridView to 'EditProgrammatically'. I had changed it to that initially to stop users from editing the text cells, but apparently, it prevented the ComboBoxes from dropping.
I appreciate all the answers given. My apologies that I forgot to mention that I had set four columns in design time, and that this issue was caused by me not realising the EditProgrammatically setting had this effect.
Your code is almost fine. Everything drops down. You could have the default value displayed on your list.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
dgvfiles.Columns.Add("Column1", "Column 1")
dgvfiles.Columns.Add("Column2", "Column 2")
dgvfiles.Columns.Add("Column3", "Column 3")
dgvfiles.Columns.Add("Column4", "Column 4")
dgvfiles.Rows.Add({"Cell1", "Cell2"})
Dim gridComboBox As New DataGridViewComboBoxCell
gridComboBox.Items.Add("A") 'Populate the Combobox
gridComboBox.Items.Add("B") 'Populate the Combobox
gridComboBox.Items.Add("C") 'Populate the Combobox
gridComboBox.Value = gridComboBox.Items(0)
dgvfiles(2, dgvfiles.Rows.Count - 2) = gridComboBox
End Sub
Private Sub dgvfiles_CellBeginEdit(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs) Handles dgvfiles.CellBeginEdit
If e.ColumnIndex = 2 Then
'Do something
e.Cancel = True
End If
End Sub