This stored procedure beneath fills up my Projectphase
parameter. So as you can see, the user first has to select @PurchaseOrder
, which will then fill up the Projectphase Parameter.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[USP_GetProjectPhase]
@PurchaseOrder INT
pp.ProjectPhaseID, pp.Phase
ProjectPhase pp
@PurchaseOrder = pp.PurchaseOrderId
Now when the user selects a PurchaseOrder
that indeed has Projectphases
, everything goes well. The issue situates itself in the purchaseorders that don't have a ProjectPhase
The query that is used for my dataset shown on the report has the following line in the WHERE clause. It's a multivalue parameter cause the user needs to be able to select multiple Projectphases.
reg.ProjectPhaseId IN (SELECT Value
FROM fnLocal_CmnParseList(@Phase,','))
I've tried UNIONS with NULL, NULL. I've tried stuff with ISNULL but I can't seem to be getting the query to execute when @ProjectPhase
is NULL.
Some help would be greatly appreciated cause I've been cracking my head on this for too long now. Thanks
Finally found the answer:
[dbo].[USP_GetProjectPhase] @PurchaseOrder INT
SELECT -1 AS 'ProjectPhaseID'
,'No Filter' AS 'Phase'
SELECT pp.ProjectPhaseID
FROM ProjectPhase pp
WHERE @PurchaseOrder = pp.PurchaseOrderId
In my query I changed the WHERE clause to:
WHERE (reg.ProjectPhaseId IN (SELECT Value FROM fnLocal_CmnParseList(@Phase,',')) OR @Phase = '-1')