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UIView animation with autolayout and child views

I have a weird problem that seems to be fairly easy to solve. I think I could use some workaround to be able to have the behavior that I want but I want to know if there is a better way to do it.

I have a view called contentView (blue in the image) that it will expand its height using a UIView.animation, this is no problem at all and works as expected.

The problem here is that this view has a child component (a button) that has an autolayout constraint to its bottom equal to 22 like this:

contentView with the button

This is the autolayout constraint:

enter image description here

If I do the height resize without the animation it works fine, the view height change and the button are always 22 points of the bottom of the contentView. But when I use an animation to make this change more smoothy and user-friendly the button moves to the end position before the animation even start.

enter image description here

I want to know how I could achieve a smooth animation here but with the button moving along its parent view

The part of the code that handles the animation is pretty straightforward but I'll post it in here:

@IBAction func openDetail(_ sender: ExpandCourseDetail) {
        let rotation = sender.getOpen() ? CGAffineTransform.identity : CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: CGFloat.pi)
        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5, delay: 0.1, options: [.curveEaseInOut], animations: {
            sender.transform = rotation
        }, completion: {
            success in
        UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.0, delay: 0.5, options: [.curveEaseInOut], animations: {
            self.contentView.frame.size.height = sender.getOpen() ? self.contentView.frame.height - 300 : self.contentView.frame.height + 300
        }, completion: nil)

As a side note, the button itself has an animation that rotates the button 180 degrees to show the user that the view is expanding.

Thank you so much for your help.


  • It's super easy with constraints, just create a superView height constraint IBOutlet and change its constant value.

    @IBAction func btnPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
        self.toggleButton.isSelected = !sender.isSelected
        //Animation starts here
        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.7) {
            if self.toggleButton.isSelected {
                //transform button
                self.toggleButton.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: CGFloat(Double.pi))
                //change your ParentView height to desired one
                self.constContentViewHeight.constant = self.view.frame.size.height - 220
            } else {
                self.toggleButton.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: CGFloat(Double.pi*2))
                // Set height constraint to original value
                self.constContentViewHeight.constant = 250

    I have created a demo, check it out.
