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SFTP Persistent Accept Only Once filter on sftp gateway

I have this code in which I want to incorporate a SftpPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter and I don't know how. The filter should be before retrieving files locally.

@InboundChannelAdapter(value = "sftpMgetInputChannel",
    poller = @Poller(fixedDelay = "5000"))
public String filesForMGET(){
  return "'/tmp/input/remoteDirectory/*'";

public IntegrationFlow sftpMGetFlow() {
    return IntegrationFlows.from("sftpMgetInputChannel")
            .handleWithAdapter(h -> h.sftpGateway(this.sftpSessionFactory,
             Command.MGET, "payload")
            .localDirectoryExpression("'sftp-inbound/'" + "#remoteDirectory"))

public MessageChannel sftpMgetInboundChannel(){
   return new DirectChannel();

public MessageHandler messageHandler(){
 return new MessageHandler() { ... }


  • Use a CompositeFileListFilter or ChainFileListFilter with a SftpRegexPatternFileListFilter filter and the SftpPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter.

    Construct the filter and use .filter(compositeFilter()).