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ServiceConnectionLeaked with youtube api

First of all, I've read this problem in some threads here and I know that could be fix replacing the getActivity() with the application context. All this answers are from some years ago, and now I think that is not supportes the application context, because I get an error when I put the application context and in the methods of the library I can't find any method to can put the application context.

When I create tye YoutubeStandalonePlayer I'm doing this:

Intent intent = YouTubeStandalonePlayer.createVideoIntent(getActivity(), getResources().getString(google_maps_key), mPublication.getYoutubeCode());

if I try to put the app context I get an error because I'm passing an app context and not the activity, that is the property that the method is waiting for.

 Intent intent = YouTubeStandalonePlayer.createVideoIntent(ApplicationConfig.getAppContext(), getResources().getString(google_maps_key), mPublication.getYoutubeCode());

Then, my question is... how can I fix the problem of ServiceConnectionLeaked using the YouTubeStandalonePlayer: Activity com.buzinger.loycus.activity.HomeActivity has leaked ServiceConnection$e@cbfec60 that was originally bound here

Thanks in advance


  • Try this solution that I've found in this website(

    You need to add this line to avoid the ServiceConnectionLeaked with youtube api.


    All the code:

        public void onBindViewHolder(final VideoInfoHolder holder,final int position) {
            holder.youTubeThumbnailView.initialize(DEVELOPER_KEY, new YouTubeThumbnailView.OnInitializedListener() {
                public void onInitializationSuccess(YouTubeThumbnailView youTubeThumbnailView, final YouTubeThumbnailLoader youTubeThumbnailLoader) {
              //here is the magic to solve the logcat error 
                    youTubeThumbnailLoader.setOnThumbnailLoadedListener(new YouTubeThumbnailLoader.OnThumbnailLoadedListener() {
                        public void onThumbnailLoaded(YouTubeThumbnailView youTubeThumbnailView, String s) {
                        public void onThumbnailError(YouTubeThumbnailView youTubeThumbnailView, YouTubeThumbnailLoader.ErrorReason errorReason) {
                public void onInitializationFailure(YouTubeThumbnailView youTubeThumbnailView, YouTubeInitializationResult youTubeInitializationResult) {
                    //write something for failure