First of all, I've read this problem in some threads here and I know that could be fix replacing the getActivity() with the application context. All this answers are from some years ago, and now I think that is not supportes the application context, because I get an error when I put the application context and in the methods of the library I can't find any method to can put the application context.
When I create tye YoutubeStandalonePlayer I'm doing this:
Intent intent = YouTubeStandalonePlayer.createVideoIntent(getActivity(), getResources().getString(google_maps_key), mPublication.getYoutubeCode());
if I try to put the app context I get an error because I'm passing an app context and not the activity, that is the property that the method is waiting for.
Intent intent = YouTubeStandalonePlayer.createVideoIntent(ApplicationConfig.getAppContext(), getResources().getString(google_maps_key), mPublication.getYoutubeCode());
Then, my question is... how can I fix the problem of ServiceConnectionLeaked using the YouTubeStandalonePlayer: Activity com.buzinger.loycus.activity.HomeActivity has leaked ServiceConnection$e@cbfec60 that was originally bound here
Thanks in advance
Try this solution that I've found in this website(
You need to add this line to avoid the ServiceConnectionLeaked with youtube api.
All the code:
public void onBindViewHolder(final VideoInfoHolder holder,final int position) {
holder.youTubeThumbnailView.initialize(DEVELOPER_KEY, new YouTubeThumbnailView.OnInitializedListener() {
public void onInitializationSuccess(YouTubeThumbnailView youTubeThumbnailView, final YouTubeThumbnailLoader youTubeThumbnailLoader) {
//here is the magic to solve the logcat error
youTubeThumbnailLoader.setOnThumbnailLoadedListener(new YouTubeThumbnailLoader.OnThumbnailLoadedListener() {
public void onThumbnailLoaded(YouTubeThumbnailView youTubeThumbnailView, String s) {
public void onThumbnailError(YouTubeThumbnailView youTubeThumbnailView, YouTubeThumbnailLoader.ErrorReason errorReason) {
public void onInitializationFailure(YouTubeThumbnailView youTubeThumbnailView, YouTubeInitializationResult youTubeInitializationResult) {
//write something for failure