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Common crawl - getting WARC file

I would like to retrieve a web page using common crawl but am getting lost.

I would like to get the warc file for I see that this link ( produces the following json.

{"urlkey": "com,example)/", "timestamp": "20170820000102", "mime": "text/html", "digest": "B2LTWWPUOYAH7UIPQ7ZUPQ4VMBSVC36A", "filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105955.66/robotstxt/CC-MAIN-20170819235943-20170820015943-00613.warc.gz", "mime-detected": "text/html", "status": "200", "offset": "1109728", "length": "1166", "url": ""}

Can someone please point me in the right direction how I can use these json elements to retrieve the HTML.

Thanks for helping a noob!


  • Take filename, offset and length from the JSON result to fill a HTTP range request from $offset to ($offset+$length-1). Add as prefix to filename and decompress the result with gzip, e.g.

    curl -s -r1109728-$((1109728+1166-1)) \
       "" \
    | gzip -dc

    Of course, on AWS this can be done using Boto3 or the AWS-CLI:

    aws --no-sign-request s3api get-object \
     --bucket commoncrawl \
     --key crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105955.66/robotstxt/CC-MAIN-20170819235943-20170820015943-00613.warc.gz \
     --range bytes=1109728-$((1109728+1166-1)) response.gz

    If it's only for few documents and it doesn't matter that the documents are modified you could use the index server directly: