I am trying to post a date field to the HubSpot contact API, however, I am getting errors stating a UTC date is not midnight.
"1505779200 is at 10:16:19.200 UTC, not midnight!"
However, if you use this tool, and enter that value you will see that the value is midnight.
The c# code I use to do the conversion is:
public static double DateTimeToUTC(System.DateTime dateTime)
dateTime = System.DateTime.SpecifyKind(dateTime, DateTimeKind.Utc);
var utcValue = ((DateTimeOffset) dateTime).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
return utcValue;
Can anyone help?
Have you tried posting the UNIX time in milliseconds (rather than seconds)? HubSpot FAQ here
HubSpot API endpoints accept UNIX formatted timestamps in milliseconds. ...
Date/Datetime properties in HubSpot Contacts
Date properties will only store the date, and must be set to midnight UTC for the date you want. For example, May 1 2015 would be 1430438400000 (01 May 2015 00:00:00 UTC). If you try to set a value that is not midnight UTC, you will receive an error.
Try switching to .toUnixTimeMilliseconds()
and give it a whirl! (MSDN Ref)
public static double DateTimeToUTC(System.DateTime dateTime)
dateTime = System.DateTime.SpecifyKind(dateTime, DateTimeKind.Utc);
var utcValue = ((DateTimeOffset) dateTime).ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();
return utcValue;