I have data structure in the following way. I want to retrieve all records which are having subjectName PHYSICS PAPER-I and marksGained 40.
Is it possible to query to such records? are there any other libraries we can use on to achieve this?
"CID": "A1",
"district": "ADILABAD",
"grandresult": "C",
"grandtotal": "232",
"stdntname": "JAMES",
"subjects": [
"marksGained": "38",
"outcome": "P",
"passType": "*",
"subjectName": "ENGLISH PAPER -I"
"marksGained": "56",
"outcome": "P",
"passType": "*",
"subjectName": "TELUGU PAPER-I"
"marksGained": "42",
"outcome": "P",
"passType": "*",
"subjectName": "BOTANY PAPER-I"
"marksGained": "22",
"outcome": "P",
"passType": "*",
"subjectName": "ZOOLOGY PAPER-I"
"marksGained": "40",
"outcome": "P",
"passType": "*",
"subjectName": "PHYSICS PAPER-I"
"marksGained": "34",
"outcome": "P",
"passType": null,
"subjectName": "CHEMISTRY PAPER-I"
"ticket": "1534343434",
"UID": "A1_1534343434"
AWS Started supporting queries for nested object with expressions.
Outdated: Keeping it for reference.
You cannot query on a nested object, it will be a scan. Following forum discussed in detail,
Hope it helps.