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Expressing complex relationships in ontologies

I'm from a medical background and new to the concept of ontologies. I'm using Protégé to create an ontology for a resuscitation simulator. I have no problem expressing that "Blood pressure", "Oxygen saturations" and "Left ventricular ejection fraction" are disjointed subclasses of "Patient" and that "Intravenous fluid" is a subclass of "Medical interventions". However, I also want to express that intravenous fluids will increase blood pressure and decrease oxygen saturation as a function of left ventricular ejection fraction. I have no problem putting this function into code, but how do I best express it in an ontology so that non-medics can see this relationship? Or is this simply the point where an ontology ends and computer programming begins?

Thanks in advance for any help.


  • If you wish to express a mathematical function that a reasoner should be able to calculate as part of reasoning, I don't believe OWL has currently any support for this - I believe there are proposals for such an extension but I'm not sure of their status. See for example

    For query languages such as SPARQL, it is possible to define builtin functions that could produce those values as part of query answering; however this matches your "out of ontology and into programming" threshold.

    There's also SWRL - it has similar builtins support and can be used inside Protege, but it has different restrictions on which individuals can be involved and what assertions can be created.