I have an application.yml file that has the list of objects as below:
- id: m1
name: mailbox1
- id: m2
name: mailbox2
I have created a spring configuration class called MailBoxProperties to have these properties in a bean as below:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "outlook")
public class MailBoxProperties {
private List<MailBox> mailboxes;
public MailBoxProperties() {
public MailBoxProperties(List<MailBox> mailboxes) {
this.mailboxes = mailboxes;
public void setMailBoxes(List<MailBox> mailboxes) {
this.mailboxes = mailboxes;
public List<MailBox> getMailBoxes() {
return mailboxes;
public static class MailBox {
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public String getId() {
return this.id;
private String id, name;
public MailBox() {
public MailBox(String id, String name) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
I would like to inject the above config bean into another config class as below:
public class OutlookConnectionManager{
private MailBoxProperties mailBoxProperties;
private List<String> names;
public OutlookConnectionManager getOutlookConnectionManager() {
OutlookConnectionManager outlookConnectionManager = new OutlookConnectionManager();
return outlookConnectionManager;
public void getMailBoxProperties() {
names = new ArrayList<String> ();
for(MailBox mail: mailBoxProperties.getMailBoxes()) {
However, MailBoxProperties is always null and throws null pointer exception on calling mailBoxProperties.getMailBoxes() from getMailBoxProperties.
(I have tried giving @Configuration @EnableConfigurationProperties(MailBoxProperties.class). It throws an exception stating that 2 beans are created. One with the actual path and the other with null). I have tried @Import(){MailBoxProperties.class}.
But, the injection perfectly works in my main application class as below: It fetches the bean and prints the mailbox name correctly.
public class MailApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext context = new SpringApplicationBuilder(MailApplication.class).run(args);
MailBoxProperties props = context.getBean(MailBoxProperties.class);
props. getMailBoxes()
.forEach(cc -> System.out.println(cc.getName()));
Am I missing any configuration in OutlookConnectionManager.java ? Please help.
Note: I am using Spring boot 1.5.7.RELEASE
Thank you.
Basically your MailBoxProperties
should be as @varren suggested. And there is no need to annotate with @Configuration
this properties class.
So :
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "outlook")
public class MailBoxProperties {
private List<MailBox> mailboxes;
public List<MailBox> getMailboxes() {
return mailboxes;
public void setMailboxes(List<MailBox> mailboxes) {
this.mailboxes = mailboxes;
public static class MailBox {
private String id, name;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
Then you can keep your OutlookConnectionManager
annotated with @Configuration
but what are you trying to do inside it is a little anorthodox (you are re-instantiating the same configuration class with the new
However you could make it work by changing your @Bean
method to:
public OutlookConnectionManager getOutlookConnectionManager() {
OutlookConnectionManager outlookConnectionManager = new OutlookConnectionManager();
//this call will set this.names
//set this.names to the names variable of outlookConnectionManager instance
outlookConnectionManager.names = this.names;
return outlookConnectionManager;