I would like to know how to upload a file and send by mail using Classic ASP and Jmail, I would like to select the file using HTML type=file.
You have 2 things to solve here the uploading of file, and the attachment of it to an outbound e-mail.
You will probably require a third party upload component - many Windows hosting companies have the 'Persits' suite of ASP components ready for use with working demos. Is this your own server or a shared hosting etc? As there may be implications on shared hosting with what you can actually do - e.g. max file size, type of file etc.
The sample code should help you but note the 'somecomponent' bit obviously need to be inline with whatever you use.
Upload - Send an email with attachment
'Sample file Form-Email.asp
' Let's you send one an email with one or more attachments.
'Create upload form
Dim Form: Set Form = Server.CreateObject("SomeComponent.ASPForm")
'Do not upload data greater than 1MB.
Form.SizeLimit = 100*1024
Const fscompleted = 0
If Form.State = fscompleted Then 'completed
End If
Sub ProcessForm
Dim eFrom, eTo, Subject, Message
'get source form fields - From, To, Subject and Message
eFrom = Form("From")
eTo = Form("To")
Subject = Form("Subject")
Message = Form("Message")
Dim objNewMail, File, FileName, FS, TempFolder
Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Get temporary folder
TempFolder = FS.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "\emailtemp"
'Create a new email message
Set objNewMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
Const CdoMailFormatMime = 0
objNewMail.MailFormat = CdoMailFormatMime
'Save source files to temporary folder
'Add these files to the new e-mail
For Each File In Form.Files
'If source file is specified.
If Len(File.FileName) > 0 Then
FileName = TempFolder & "\" & File.FileName
File.SaveAs FileName
objNewMail.AttachFile FileName
End If
'Send the new email
objNewMail.Send eFrom, eTo, Subject, Message
'delete temporary files
For Each File In Form.Files
If Len(File.FileName) > 0 Then
FileName = TempFolder & "\" & File.FileName
FS.DeleteFile FileName
End If
End Sub
<br>Sample For <A Href=http://www.motobit.com>HugeASP upload</A>
<br> Let's you send one an email with one or more attachments.
<br> File size limit Is <%=Form.SizeLimit%> B (<%=Form.SizeLimit \ 1024 %>kB).
<Table Border=0>
<form method="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
<tr><td> From : </td><td><input Name=From Size=50></td></tr>
<tr><td> To : </td><td><input Name=To Size=50></td></tr>
<tr><td> Subject : </td><td><input Name=Subject Size=80></td></tr>
<tr><td ColSpan=2> Message:
<br><TextArea Name=Message Cols=76 Rows=10></TextArea>
<tr><td ColSpan=2>E-Mail Attachments:
<Div ID=files>
Attachment 1 : <input type="file" name="File1">
<Input Type=Button Value="Add a file" OnClick=return(Expand())
<tr><td ColSpan=2 Align=Right>
<input Name=SubmitButton Value="Send email >>" Type=Submit></td></tr>
//Script To add a attachment file field
var nfiles = 1;
Function Expand(){
var adh = '<BR> Attachment '+nfiles+' : <input type="file"
return false;