I need to delete entire cellNote
element below if epm_default_cloud_admin
is found in any tag, tried different things with xmlstarlet and it won't happen, can you help?
<modified>2016-11-16 08:28:38.0</modified>
<contents>Variance in meals is due to Annual Sales Conference</contents>
<modified>2016-12-23 20:10:13.0</modified>
A few things I tried below:
xmlstarlet ed -a "/cell/cellNote" --type elem -n string -v "epm_default_cloud_admin"
xmlstarlet ed -d '/cell/cellNote/author[. = 'epm_default_cloud_admin']'
At first, to deal with a valid xml - ensure that cell
tag has both opening and closing tag (your input contain both as opening <cell>
xmlstarlet solution:
xmlstarlet ed -d "//cellNote[*[contains(text(),'epm_default_cloud_admin')]]" input.xml
The output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<contents>Variance in meals is due to Annual Sales Conference</contents>
<modified>2016-12-23 20:10:13.0</modified>