I have a project with 3 sub-projects. I want the 3 sub-projects to use the same dependencies versions so I factored all the versions in the root build.gradle
allprojects {
ext.versions = [
supportLibVersion: '26.1.0',
playServicesVersion: '11.2.2',
retrofitVersion: '2.1.0',
retrofitConverterGsonVersion: '2.1.0',
retrofitRxjava2AdapterVersion: '1.0.0',
rxjava2Version: '2.0.5',
rxandroidVersion: '2.0.1',
timberVersion: '4.5.1',
Now lint doesn't highlight new libraries available anymore. It somehow still works for the supportLibs but not for the other ones.
Any chance I can have this working again?
This is not an exact answer to the question. I had the same concerns some time ago (had declared global vars and referred to them from build.gradle
I've found gradle-versions-plugin library, which resolved my concerns.
It will prompt with detailed info after ./gradlew dependencyUpdates