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Unable to use primeng <p-datatable> virtual scroll lazy load

I am trying to implement a lazy load for a large set of data with primeng <p-datatable>. I have done everything documented on the official site, however I could not make it work.

The onLazyLoad callback runs only once at the time of loading the table. It doesn't trigger on each scroll as expected.

<div style="max-height:300px; border:1px solid black;overflow-y:auto">
      <p-dataTable #pocListref [value]="data" rowHover="true" [(selection)] = "selectedData" scrollable="true" scrollHeight="200px" [rows]="4"
      [style]="{'margin-top':'30px'}"  [paginator]="true" [rowsPerPageOptions]="[5,10,20]"
        [lazy]="true" [totalRecords]="totalRecords" (onLazyLoad)="lazyLoad($event)">
        <p-column header="Id">
        <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-index="rowIndex">
        <p-column  selectionMode="multiple" [style]="{'width':'5%'}"></p-column>
        <p-column field="name" header="Name"[sortable]="true"></p-column>
        <p-column field="age" header="Age" [sortable]="true"></p-column>
        <p-column field="company" header="Company" [sortable]="true"></p-column>

The same works fine with the paginator implementation. I have noticed that it works with paginator only if I do not use virtualScroll attribute, which makes sense, but somehow virtualScroll doesn't make any effect on scrolling.

I know there is already a similar question but it is still answered.

Has someone used the virtual scroll successfully with lazy loading. Any suggestions will be useful.


  • Try like this my example :

    here is my updated code without paginator and using virtualScroll

    <p-dataTable [value]="resultsArr" scrollable="true" scrollHeight="100px" [rows]="4" virtualScroll="virtualScroll" [style]="{'margin-top':'30px'}" [lazy]="true" [totalRecords]="results.length" (onLazyLoad)="lazyLoad($event)">
    <p-column header="Id">
    <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-index="rowIndex">
    <p-column  selectionMode="multiple" [style]="{'width':'5%'}"></p-column>
    <p-column field="name" header="Name"[sortable]="true"></p-column>
    <p-column field="age" header="Age" [sortable]="true"></p-column>
    <p-column field="company" header="Company" [sortable]="true"></p-column>


    export class Component {
        private results: Array<any> = []; // have 15+ objects in this array
        private resultsArr: Array<any> = [];
    constructor() {
        this.results = [{
            name: "david",
            age: 26,
            company: "XYz Company"
        }, {
            name: "david",
            age: 26,
            company: "XYz Company"
        }, {
            name: "david",
            age: 26,
            company: "XYz Company"
        }, {
            name: "david",
            age: 26,
            company: "XYz Company"
        }, {
            name: "david",
            age: 26,
            company: "XYz Company"
        }, {
            name: "david",
            age: 26,
            company: "XYz Company"
        lazyLoad(event: any) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                if (this.results) {
                    this.resultsArr = this.results.slice(event.first, (event.first + event.rows));
            }, 250);


    <p-dataTable [value]="resultsArr" [lazy]="true" [totalRecords]="results.length" [responsive]="true"
                 [paginator]="true" (onLazyLoad)="lazyLoad($event)" [rows]="5" [filterDelay]="500"
                 [rowsPerPageOptions]="[5,10,20]" sortField="first_name" [sortOrder]="1">
      <p-column field="id" header="#" [sortable]="true" styleClass="columnId" [filter]="true"></p-column>
      <p-column field="first_name" header="First Name" [sortable]="true"></p-column>
      <p-column field="last_name" header="Last Name" [sortable]="true"></p-column>