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expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '&' token ERROR

My files:


#ifndef CPU_ADD_H
#define CPU_ADD_H

double add_double_double(double a, double b) {return (a+b);}
double add_int_double(int a, double b) {return ((double)(a)+b);}
int   add_int_int(int a, int b) {return (a+b);}


I am allowed only to use the functions above. Can't use the operator '+' in my own code.


#include <iostream>
#include "q3.h"
#include "cpu_add.h"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

//Deriving classes definition
class IntClass;
class DoubleClass;

//The Virtual Number Class. IntClass and FloatClass will derive from this class.
class Number {
        //return a Number object that's the results of x+this, when x is DoubleClass
        virtual Number& addDouble(DoubleClass& x) = 0;

        //return a Number object that's the results of x+this, when x is IntClass
        virtual Number& addInt(IntClass& x) = 0;

        //return a Number object that's the results of x+this, when x is either
        //IntClass or DoubleClass
        virtual Number& operator+(Number& x) = 0;

        //Print the number stored in the object
        virtual void print_number() = 0;        

class IntClass : public Number {
        int my_number;
        IntClass(int n):my_number(n) {}

        //returns the number stored in the object
        int get_number()  {return my_number;}

        //print the number stored in the object
        void print_number() {cout << my_number << endl;}

        //return a DoubleClass object that's the result of x+this
        Number& addDouble(DoubleClass& x);

        //return an IntClass object that's the result of x+this
        Number& addInt(IntClass& x);

        //return a Number object that's the result of x+this.
        //The actual class of the returned object depends on x.
        //If x is IntClass, then the result if IntClass.
        //If x is DoubleClass, then the results is DoubleClass.
        Number& operator+(Number& x);

class DoubleClass : public Number {
        double my_number;
        DoubleClass(double n):my_number(n) {}

        //returns the number stored in the object
        double get_number()  {return my_number;}

        //Print the number stored in the object
        void print_number() {cout << my_number << endl;}

        //return a DoubleClass object that's the result of x+this
        Number& addDouble(DoubleClass& x);

        //return a DoubleClass object that's the result of x+this
        Number& addInt(IntClass& x);

        //return a DoubleClass object that's the result of x+this.
        //This should work if x is either IntClass or DoubleClass
        Number& operator+( Number& x);


I need to implement the next functions:

Number& IntClass::addInt(IntClass& x);
Number& IntClass::addDouble(DoubleClass& x);
Number& IntClass::operator+(Number& x);
Number& DoubleClass::addInt(IntClass& x);
Number& DoubleClass::addDouble(DoubleClass& x);
Number& DoubleClass::operator+(Number& x);

So for example in my the q3.h I wrote:

#ifndef Q3_H_
#define Q3_H_

#include "cpu_add.h"
#include "poly_subtype.h"

Number& IntClass::addInt(IntClass& x){
    IntClass num(add_int_int(my_number, x.get_number()));
    return num;
#endif /* Q3_H_ */

and I get the next error:

expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '&' token   q3.h    ‪/pl5‬  line 48 C/C++ Problem

What does it mean?



  • This is caused because you put all your code in headers (maybe thinking the Java way?).

    When you include poly_subtype.h it includes q3.h which then includes poly_subtype.h in an attempt to define various classes. Due to your include guards the second include has no effect. Then when the compiler attempts to compile q3.h it has no idea what the Number class is, and generates that error.

    The fix to this is to put your method implementations into source files that are only compiled once. It will prevent the nested inclusion problems. Alternately I can't see why poly_subtype.h needs to include q3.h at all. If you remove that include it might fix it.

    Also as a side note, IntClass::addInt returns a local by reference which is definitely incorrect although it may appear to work. You should instead return *this; which is the actual object being modified (I believe - it's hard to tell from your small sample).