Say I have this html:
<a href="">Test</a>
I parse it using DOMDocument
with this code:
$dom = new DomDocument();
$urls = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a');
And then I run this code:
foreach ($urls as $url)
//echo "<br> {$url->getAttribute('href')} , {$url->getAttribute('title')}";
foreach ($url->attributes as $a)
echo "<br>$a->name is $a->value";
echo "<hr><br>";
When I do this, I only see 'href' as an attribute of the url, there's no way to get the 'anchor text' (in the above case 'Test'). How can I get the anchor text of the link?
foreach ($urls as $url) {
$attributes = $url->attributes;
echo "<br>$url->nodeValue is $attributes->href";