I have an Azure Search index with a filterable field called aReportNumber (an int). From the portal index fields: "aReportNumber Edm.Int32 Filterable, Retrievable"
I'm using API version 2016-09-01-Preview via Microsoft.Azure.Search 4.0.1-preview - I checked the API version in the debugger:
ApiVersion = "2016-09-01-Preview" UserAgent = {FxVersion/4.6.00001.0 Microsoft.Azure.Search.SearchIndexClient/}
When I set my filter as: "search.in(aReportNumber,'291, 409')" I get:
Invalid expression: No function signature for the function with name 'search.in' matches the specified arguments. The function signatures considered are: search.in(Edm.String, Edm.String, Edm.String); search.in(Edm.String, Edm.String)
Both exist in the index and can be found with the filter "aReportNumber eq 291 or aReportNumber eq 409".
What am I doing wrong?
Currently, search.in
function is supported on string fields (fields of type Edm.String
) only.