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How to filter on partial match using sparklyr

I'm new to sparklyr (but familiar with spark and pyspark), and I've got a really basic question. I'm trying to filter a column based on a partial match. In dplyr, i'd write my operation as so:

businesses %>%
  filter(grepl('test', biz_name)) %>%

Running that code on a spark dataframe however gives me:

Error: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Undefined function: 'GREPL'. This function is neither a registered temporary function nor a permanent function registered in the database 'project_eftpos_failure'.; line 5 pos 7


  • The same as in standard Spark, you can use either rlike (Java regular expressions):

    df <- copy_to(sc, iris) 
    df %>% filter(rlike(Species, "osa"))
    # or anchored
    df %>% filter(rlike(Species, "^.*osa.*$"))

    or like (simple SQL regular expressions):

    df %>% filter(like(Species, "%osa%"))

    Both methods can be also used with suffix notation as

    df %>% filter(Species %rlike%  "^.*osa.*$")


    df %>% filter(Species %like% "%osa%")


    For details see vignette("sql-translation").