I have built opeiddict as separate web application as authorization server. I am stuck with small problem, that is how I can go to user registration page directly though a link from the client web application. Right now I can go to login page, as your sample example:
public ActionResult SignIn() {
// Instruct the OIDC client middleware to redirect the user agent to the identity provider.
// Note: the authenticationType parameter must match the value configured in Startup.cs
return new ChallengeResult(OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, new AuthenticationProperties {
RedirectUri = "/"
Is there a way to go to authentication server Account/Register from client app?
It looks like you can set the url in the redirect. See the following snippet:
public IActionResult SignIn()
return new ChallengeResult(
new AuthenticationProperties
IsPersistent = true,
RedirectUri = Url.Action("SignInCallback", "Account")
See the docs here: Initiating the authentication flow