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Tensorflow: Convolutions with different filter for each sample in the mini-batch

I would like to have a 2d convolution with a filter which depends on the sample in the mini-batch in tensorflow. Any ideas how one could do that, especially if the number of sample per mini-batch is not known?

Concretely, I have input data inp of the form MB x H x W x Channels, and I have filters F of the form MB x fh x fw x Channels x OutChannels.

It is assumed that

inp = tf.placeholder('float', [None, H, W, channels_img], name='img_input').

I would like to do tf.nn.conv2d(inp, F, strides = [1,1,1,1]), but this is not allowed because F cannot have a mini-batch dimension. Any idea how to solve this problem?


  • I think the proposed trick is actually not right. What happens with a tf.conv3d() layer is that the input gets convolved on depth (=actual batch) dimension AND then summed along resulting feature maps. With padding='SAME' the resulting number of outputs then happens to be the same as batch size so one gets fooled!

    EDIT: I think a possible way to do a convolution with different filters for the different mini-batch elements involves 'hacking' a depthwise convolution. Assuming batch size MB is known:

    inp = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [MB, H, W, channels_img])
    # F has shape (MB, fh, fw, channels, out_channels)
    # REM: with the notation in the question, we need: channels_img==channels
    F = tf.transpose(F, [1, 2, 0, 3, 4])
    F = tf.reshape(F, [fh, fw, channels*MB, out_channels)
    inp_r = tf.transpose(inp, [1, 2, 0, 3]) # shape (H, W, MB, channels_img)
    inp_r = tf.reshape(inp, [1, H, W, MB*channels_img])
    out = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(
              strides=[1, 1, 1, 1],
              padding='VALID') # here no requirement about padding being 'VALID', use whatever you want. 
    # Now out shape is (1, H, W, MB*channels*out_channels)
    out = tf.reshape(out, [H, W, MB, channels, out_channels) # careful about the order of depthwise conv out_channels!
    out = tf.transpose(out, [2, 0, 1, 3, 4])
    out = tf.reduce_sum(out, axis=3)
    # out shape is now (MB, H, W, out_channels)

    In case MB is unknown, it should be possible to determine it dynamically using tf.shape() (I think)