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What is the best algorithm to find whether an anagram is of a palindrome?

In this problem we consider only strings of lower-case English letters (a-z).

A string is a palindrome if it has exactly the same sequence of characters when traversed left-to-right as right-to-left. For example, the following strings are palindromes:




A string A is an anagram of a string B if it consists of exactly the same characters, but possibly in another order. For example, the following strings are each other's anagrams:

A="mary" B="army" A="rocketboys" B="octobersky" A="codility" B="codility"

Write a function

int isAnagramOfPalindrome(String S);

which returns 1 if the string s is a anagram of some palindrome, or returns 0 otherwise.

For example your function should return 1 for the argument "dooernedeevrvn", because it is an anagram of a palindrome "neveroddoreven". For argument "aabcba", your function should return 0.


  • 'Algorithm' would be too big word for it.

    You can construct a palindrome from the given character set if each character occurs in that set even number of times (with possible exception of one character).
    For any other set, you can easily show that no palindrome exists.

    Proof is simple in both cases, but let me know if that wasn't clear.