When I try to compile this example
record R where
f: () -> {t: Type} -> t
I get this error:
Type mismatch between
() -> t1 (Type of f)
() -> t (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
On the other hand this example
record R where
f: {t: Type} -> () -> t
works just fine. Can you tell me what's wrong with the first one?
This is a bug in Idris: sometimes the ->
operator is not right-associative: issue #4077.
To see it we can desugar the record syntax:
data R : Type where
MkR : (() -> {t : Type} -> t) -> R
Now we need to manually implement the f
projection. It turns out that
f : R -> (() -> {t : Type} -> t)
f (MkR g) = g
does not typecheck, but
f : R -> () -> {t : Type} -> t
f (MkR g) = g
It seems to me Idris uses the first variant to desugar record
into data
, hence the error you observed.