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Autowire not work in telegram app using Spring Boot

I make my telegram bot using java library TelegramBots and also use SpringBoot in my application.

When in class TelegramBotPolling there is called method onUpdateReceived than the field busStationBtnsGenerator is null.

How corectly autowire field busStationBtnsGenerator in order it will be not null when onUpdateReceived method is called ?

This is brief example of my code:

public class TelegramBotPolling extends TelegramLongPollingBot {

    BusStationBtnsGenerator busStationBtnsGenerator;

    static {

    public void registerBot(){

         TelegramBotsApi telegramBotsApi = new TelegramBotsApi();
         try {
           telegramBotsApi.registerBot(new TelegramBotPolling());
         } catch (TelegramApiException e) {

    public void onUpdateReceived(Update update) {   
      // When this method is called field "busStationBtnsGenerator" is  null. 

public class BusStationBtnsGeneratorImpl implements BusStationBtnsGenerator {

   BusStationsParser stationsParser;

   UrlHelper urlHelper;

   public InlineKeyboardMarkup getKeyboardMarkupForBusStations() 
   throws Exception 

  private List<List<InlineKeyboardButton>> getBusStationButtons() 
  throws Exception 



  • Instance of class created with constructor new is not managed by Spring. For referring it you should you this keyword in this case.

    public void registerBot(){
         TelegramBotsApi telegramBotsApi = new TelegramBotsApi();
         try {
         } catch (TelegramApiException e) {