Search code examples

How to get the domain name without '.com'?

SELECT substr(Emails, instr(Emails, '@')+1)
      FROM EmployeeEmails;


Do I need to concat to get:



  • You can use REGEXP_REPLACE to extract the domain name:

    select regexp_replace(emails, '^[^@]+@([^.]+)\..+$', '\1') from employeeemails;

    This works for any email of the pattern abcd@efgh.ijkl .

    The pattern:

    • ^ start of the sting
    • [^@]+ 1 to n characters other than @
    • @ the at sign @
    • ( remember the following string
    • [^.]+ 1 to n characters other than the dot .
    • ) end of the string to remember
    • \. a dot .
    • .+ 1 to n characters
    • $ end of the string
    • \1 the remembered string

    And here is the old-fashioned way without REGEXP_REPLACE:

    select substr(emails,
                  instr(emails, '@') + 1, 
                  instr(emails, '.', instr(emails, '@') + 1) - instr(emails, '@') - 1
    from employeeemails;