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Making GUI objects in Red language

I have following simple code for a small panel:

view [
    t: text "label"
    f: field
    button "Click here" [t/text: f/text]    ]

But I have to make 2 of them and put them on one window. I want to create single object class and make 2 objects out of it. I see that objects can be created as follows:

obj: object [
    view [
        t: text "label"
        f: field
        button "Click here" [t/text: f/text] ]  ]

view [
    obj     ]

But I get following error:

*** Script Error: VID - invalid syntax at: [obj obj]
*** Where: do
*** Stack: view layout cause-error 

How can this be done? Thanks for your help.

Edit: I tried with do but could manage only with does:

  myview: object [
      show: does [view[
        t: text "1st time"
        f: field "Enter value"
        button "Click here" [f/text "clicked"]
        area] ] ]


  print "READY TO SHOW 2nd OBJECT: "
  myview2: copy myview


  • I want to create single object class and make 2 objects out of it.

    There is no object class system in Red, so you should really try first to grasp the basic Red concepts before trying more complex GUI constructs. Red is a very flexible data-oriented language, so you can use that to your advantage by, for example, building parametrized block templates, and assembling them to form a correct block of VID code. Here is an example:

    make-row: func [label [string!] but-label [string!]][
        compose [
            t: text (label)
            f: field
            b: button (but-label) [face/extra/1/text: face/extra/2/text]
            do [b/extra: reduce [t f]]
    view compose [
        (make-row "label" "Click") return
        (make-row "label2" "Click2")

    Understanding the face tree (analog to the HTML DOM, just way simpler), is an important part of mastering Red's GUI system. As there is no much documentation yet (you can start with, you are welcome to ask live questions on red/help Gitter room.