I have a working piece of code. It shows 5 stars on the screen, and you can click on them to change your rating of a product. The code posted below works.
However, once I insert the "this.loadInitialState()" function in my componentWillMount, it breaks, and gives an error that seems to be related to the binding of another function _onRate().
"this.setState is not a function. In this.setState({i_warn: nr }).
This.setstate is an instance of Object
I don't know why these are related, or why one breaks the other. And it took me a while to figure out one was the reason the other broke.
I tried many things. Including binding my function _onRate in several different ways, but those all don't fix my issue:
1.) use the fat arrow function in onPress, e.g.:
onPress={()=>this._onRate('safe', 0+1)}
2.) don't use fat arrow, but bind in each onPress, e.g.:
onPress={this._onRate.bind(this, 'safe', 0+1)}
3.) bind in constructor, e.g.:
constructor { this._onRate = this._onRate.bind(this)
Would you have any thoughts on how I can proceed to explore this?
class MyReview extends React.Component{
constructor(props) {
const { params } = this.props.navigation.state;
this.state = {
// general ID info
barcode: params.productdata.barcode,
userID: params.user.ID,
username: params.user.name,
// rating inputs
i_safe: null,
i_warn: null,
// comment inputs
i_comment: ''
//this._loadInitialState = this._loadInitialState.bind(this);
//this._onRate = this._onRate.bind(this);
componentWillMount() {
_loadInitialState() {
if (this.props.review) {
this.setState = {
// rating inputs
i_safe: this.props.review.saferating,
i_warn: this.props.review.warnrating,
// comment inputs
i_comment: this.props.review.comment
} // end _loadInitialState
_onCommentChanged = (txt) => {
this.setState({ i_comment: txt });
_onRate(rateType, nr) {
console.log('RATE BUTTON PRESSED');
console.log('number passed to _onrate is: ',nr)
if (rateType==='warn') { this.setState({ i_warn: nr }); }
else if (rateType==='safe') this.setState({ i_safe: nr });
render() {
const { params } = this.props.navigation.state;
var warningRating = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (var i=0;i<5;i++) {
if (Math.round(this.state.i_warn)>=(i+1)) { warningRating[i]=1; }
var warningIcons = (
<View style={localStyle.w_ratingicons}>
<TouchableOpacity key={-1} onPress={()=>this._onRate('warn', 0)}>
<Image style={localStyle.warningIcon} key={-1} source={require('../images/x2.png')}/>
<TouchableOpacity key={0} onPress={()=>this._onRate('warn', 0+1)}>
<Image style={localStyle.warningIcon} key={0} source={warningRating[0] ? require('../images/warning.png') : require('../images/warning_fade.png')}/>
<TouchableOpacity key={1} onPress={()=>this._onRate('warn', 1+1)}>
<Image style={localStyle.warningIcon} key={1} source={warningRating[1] ? require('../images/warning.png') : require('../images/warning_fade.png')}/>
<TouchableOpacity key={2} onPress={()=>this._onRate('warn', 2+1)}>
<Image style={localStyle.warningIcon} key={2} source={warningRating[2] ? require('../images/warning.png') : require('../images/warning_fade.png')}/>
<TouchableOpacity key={3} onPress={()=>this._onRate('warn', 3+1)}>
<Image style={localStyle.warningIcon} key={3} source={warningRating[3] ? require('../images/warning.png') : require('../images/warning_fade.png')}/>
<TouchableOpacity key={4} onPress={()=>this._onRate('warn', 4+1)}>
<Image style={localStyle.warningIcon} key={4} source={warningRating[4] ? require('../images/warning.png') : require('../images/warning_fade.png')}/>
return (
} // end render
} // end component
in your _loadInitialState
you are converting setState
to an object,
this.setState = {
// rating inputs
i_safe: this.props.review.saferating,
i_warn: this.props.review.warnrating,
// comment inputs
i_comment: this.props.review.comment
You definitely shouldn't do that. I guess you were trying to do,
// rating inputs
i_safe: this.props.review.saferating,
i_warn: this.props.review.warnrating,
// comment inputs
i_comment: this.props.review.comment