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How to uninstall apache from the command line on Mac?

I followed these directions to install apache for a class on the following link on the command line aka terminal:

but then my professor told me that we needed to install XAMPP 5.6.12 which will have packages including:

Apache 2.4.16
MySQL 5.6.26
PHP 5.6.12
phpMyAdmin 4.4.14 

So now I want to uninstall the current apache(Apache/2.4.25) on my mac so that I can install XAMMP which will already have apache and the other packages that I need for my gui class.


  • Check the output of below command and whether the apache is running under _www user

    sudo lsof -i:80

    Stop the built-in Apache server in Mac OS X is by using this command:

    sudo apachectl -k stop

    Enter administrator password.

    Next run this launchctl unload command

    sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist

    Check with the first command again whether the built-in apache server is completely gone Stopped and disavowed