The following line in /etc/bashrc_Apple_Terminal
shell_session_history_enable() {
(umask 077; touch "$SHELL_SESSION_HISTFILE_NEW") <<< THIS LINE
is printing something like this on every new session.
/Users/me/.bash_sessions/717F6632-A946-44EE-8A27-2547EDDD09E9.historynew Stats {
dev: 16777220,
mode: 33152,
nlink: 1,
uid: 501,
gid: 20,
rdev: 0,
blksize: 4096,
ino: 1406878,
size: 0,
blocks: 0,
atimeMs: 1502801769000,
mtimeMs: 1502801769000,
ctimeMs: 1502801769000,
birthtimeMs: 1502801769000,
atime: 2017-08-15T12:56:09.000Z,
mtime: 2017-08-15T12:56:09.000Z,
ctime: 2017-08-15T12:56:09.000Z,
birthtime: 2017-08-15T12:56:09.000Z }
Closest thing as to when is since last MacOS update.
What's an elegant way to solve this without changing this file I don't really want to change?
This post answers my question
How to deactivate bash_history stats print when opening a new terminal window on my mac?
I didn't entertain the possibility that there was an alias for touch, but indeed this was the case.