I have a dictionary of 68 keys whereby each key has a list with 50 values in it. For example, my dict is the following, whereby each series has 50 values in it, e.g. value1, value2....
key1 : Series1
key2 : Series2
. : .
key50: Series50
I now want to make the following dataframe out of the dictionary:
key1 key2
value1 value1
. .
. .
value50 value 50
I looked at other threads and tried the following command:
df= pd.DataFrame([dict])
However, this yields:
key1 key2
Series1 Series2
How doI get the values in the dataframe instead of the Series. In the end, I should get dataframe sized 50*68.
Just pass dict_
df = pd.DataFrame(dict_)
Also, don't use dict
as a variable name, it's bad form, and it shadows the builtin class with the same name.