I am new to hadoop and have below question(s) on running hadoop jar command from edgeNode(http://www.dummies.com/programming/big-data/hadoop/edge-nodes-in-hadoop-clusters/).hadoop jar ${JAR_FILE} {CLASS_NAMEWithPackage}
. Have below Question(s)
You can probably look at here and this question for why your jars are extracted in the edge node (client node) when you run the hadoop jar command. It's to support the 'jar-within-jar' idea while running your jar from the client node. Pushing jars to HDFS, yarn and all those happens after that but, before these happens, your jar has to be executed to begin with, right? In your case, you might have jar-within-jar or you might not, but the concept is supported.
About the auto delete, probably it's not auto deleted.