Search code examples

Update For all loans WHERE user_id=? in CASE when DATEDIFF() >0. Error 1242 and 1093

I have this query

Update loans set fine = case 
(SELECT * from (SELECT loans.due_date FROM loans where users_id = 1)  AS l1)) 
,DATE(NOW())) > 0 THEN 1
ELSE fine 
WHERE users_id =1;

From table

| Field       |
| users_id    |
| books_isbn  |
| aquire_date |
| due_date    |
| fine        |

It's work with user that have just one 'loans' but I don't know how to make it work with several 'loans' of one user. =(


  • I would expect a query to look someting like this:

    Update loans l
        set fine = 1
        where users_id = 1 and l.due_date < curdate();

    It is a little tricky to figure out the exact logic without sample data and desired results.