I know there is a plugins.properties file for configuring the FitNesse environment and customizing it, and that FitSharp supports a suite configuration file for certain environment settings. But does FitNesse or FitSharp support a general purpose configuration file, for setting symbols or markup variables?
The reason I ask is that I'm using RestFixture, a plug-in that allows calls to RESTful web services. A RestFixture table takes the host URL as a fixture argument. I'd like to move the host URL out of the test pages into a configuration file, so that the test pages are identical in different environments, such as dev, test and production.
Defining a markup variable in the root page gets me most of the way there but I'd prefer to move the variable out of any pages entirely.
By the way, I'm using the .NET port of RestFixture, RestFixture.Net, so I'm really looking for a solution that applies to .NET / FitSharp.
It turns out the plugins.properties file is a general-purpose configuration file.
I had read the FitNesse User Guide page about the plugin.properties file: http://www.fitnesse.org/FitNesse.UserGuide.AdministeringFitNesse.ConfigurationFile I took it to mean that the plugin.properties file only supported the specified built-in properties. However, there was a little note at the bottom which I missed:
Other properties
There are more properties which can be used to tweak parts of FitNesse:
- Any variable that can be defined on a wiki page.
I experimented and found that any key-value pair in the file, of the form key=value
, can be read in a test page.
1) It appears that lines in the plugins.properties file starting with # (hash), // (two forward slashes), ; (semi-colon) or :: (two colons) are all treated as comments. Or, more likely, they aren't comments per se but just don't cause any errors;
2) Backslashes in the plugins.properties file need to be escaped by doubling them. eg "C:\FitNesse" should be written as C:\\FitNesse
3) To reference a property from the plugins.properties file in a FitNesse test page use the FitNesse markup variable syntax: ${property name}
eg ${Theme}
4) Environment variables can be included in the plugins.properties file, using the FitNesse markup variable syntax. eg FitNessePluginsDirectory=${FITNESSE_HOME}\\Plugins
, where FITNESSE_HOME is an environment variable.