Suppose I have:
Foo <- R6::R6Class("Foo")
Bar1 <- R6::R6Class("Bar1", inherit = "Foo")
Bar2 <- R6::R6Class("Bar2", inherit = "Foo")
f <- Foo$new()
A. Can I do something like
[1] "Bar1" "Bar2"
(I think this the same as R, R6, Get Full Class Name from R6Generator Object, but including it to be comprehensive)
B. Can I do something like
[1] "f"
C. Can I do something like
b1 <- Bar1$new()
b2 <- Bar2$new()
[1] "f" "b1" "b2"
A am not aware of built-in functions in R6 that archieve these tasks.
There is however a way to write similar functionalities yourself by using members with reference semantics. The reason for that is that the reference mebers will be shared among all instances of the class as stated here
If your R6 class contains any fields that also have reference semantics (e.g., other R6 objects, and environments), those fields should be populated in the initialize method. If the field set to the reference object directly in the class definition, that object will be shared across all instances of the R6 objects.
In the following, I will only cover B. and C. since A. has already been answered here (as mentioned in the question).
You will have to add a member with reference semantics "directly in the class definition" and alter that member whenever a new instance is created.
foo <- R6Class(
public = list(
info = new.env(), # member with reference semantics
initialize = function(ID){
self$info$IDs = c(self$info$IDs, ID) # "push_back" new ID
a_name <- foo$new("a_id")
b_name <- foo$new("b_id")
# [1] "a_id" "b_id"
# [1] "a_id" "b_id"
Notice that this code will give you instance IDs rather than instance names.
Inheriting this behavior is pretty straightforward by invoking the ID manager from the parent class (a.k.a. super
bar <- R6Class(
inherit = foo,
public = list(
initialize = function(ID){
super$initialize(ID) # use ID management from the super class
c_name <- bar$new("c_id")
# [1] "a_id" "b_id" "c_id"
The list IDs
will now contain all IDs for instances of either foo
or bar
If you want to get the IDs from the foo
object rather than it's instances, the following can be used
# add a new "static" function to the R6Class/environment foo
foo$getIDs <- function(){
dummy_instance <- foo$new(NULL) # inserting NULL in an unnamed list does nothing
# [1] "a_id" "b_id" "c_id"
I am aware this is not what you asked for since this appriach will give you IDs rather than names but for some purpuses this might be enough.