I have three tables; 1. Students - id, name 2. Subjects - sid,sname 3. Results - id,sid,marks (id and sid are foreign keys referenced by the two tables above)
Now, i perform
SELECT s.sname AS SubjectName, MAX(r.marks) AS MaxMarks
FROM subjects s, results r
WHERE s.sid=r.sid
GROUP BY r.sid, s.sname
ORDER BY r.sid
and i get The Subject Name with the maximum marks scored in them. Now further, i also want the student name that has scored these max marks.
So i tried adding the column r.id, didn't work. I tried adding the table students in this query. I'm probably goofing up with the grouping after adding the table or something?
I did this
SELECT r.id AS StudentID, s.sname AS SubjectName, MAX(r.marks) AS MaxMarks
FROM subjects s, results r
WHERE s.sid=r.sid
GROUP BY r.sid, s.sname, r.id
ORDER BY r.sid
and i got each StudentID, with repeated subjects and the marks scored. Whereas what i basically want is the student who has scored the highest in each subject.
you may use ROW_NUMBER() to tag the student who marked the highest on each subject
SELECT st.name,
ORDER BY marks DESC) maxmarks
FROM results) r
JOIN students st
ON r.id = st.id
JOIN subjects sj
ON r.sid = sj.sid
WHERE r.maxmarks = 1