I have a Component that uses SCR annotation with configurationFactory
set true & I an using a Factory to manage its instances
name = SocialCollaborationServiceFactoryImpl.TRINAING_SERVICE_NAME,
referenceInterface = SocialCollaboration.class,
policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC,
cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.OPTIONAL_MULTIPLE)
This allows multiple instances to be created from the Felix console config manager automatically by clicking a plus sign next to the configuration name and my factory can track it. Now while migrating to AEM 6.3 I am unable to set the configuration factory property to component.This @Component(property={"conifugrationFactory=true}")
of course does not work.
Any help here to documentation references or suggestions will help
Assuming you are using osgi annotations and not felix scr annotations with 6.3, you should be able to use @Designate(factory=true)
. see this for a reference implementation.