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How to run sbt-revolver with a Scala project?

So I'm reading the documentation for sbt-revolver since I'm interest in using its:

Triggered restart: automatically restart your application as soon as some of its sources have been changed

It says in the documentation that it should work with any scala project ( I'm running an Akka Http) as long as it has a class with a main method and that we just need to plug in project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("io.spray" % "sbt-revolver" % "0.9.0")

So I did that then I went with terminal to root folder, ran sbt wait it to load and then run, now I made a small change in some file that loads and html with some <h1> but changes aren't reloaded, what am I missing?


So after running sbt in terminal, then I run ~reStart and it seems to exit the server:

root Server online at localhost:8080 root Press RETURN to stop... root ... 
finished with exit code 0  


  • You have two options, if you need only run, no need the revolver plugin, just start it with


    If you need revolver, you should use


    as it is stated on their homepage too:

    You can use ~reStart to go into "triggered restart" mode. Your application starts up and SBT watches for changes in your source (or resource) files. If a change is detected SBT recompiles the required classes and sbt-revolver automatically restarts your application.

    Note, you can specify any command to be run on each change of source files after ~.