Is there any way how to open/navigate certain file in current project just by hitting one key? How to map the shortcut to do this?
For example I have three files "file-one.php", "file-two.php" and "file-three.php" and when I press F12, editor would open file "file-three.php" and focus main editor window.
You can do this -- using Bookmarks with mnemonics.
You can bookmark actual file instead of particular line (yes, you can do it -- just do it while focus is in Project View panel) -- you will see assigned mnemonic symbol next to the file name.
In general:
Other | Bookmarks | Go to Bookmark 0
and so on in Settings/Preferences | Keymap
).Useful links:
NOTE: if you delete such bookmarked file (e.g. a log file that gets deleted on daily basis etc) .. then such association/bookmark will be lost once IDE will not be able to locate that file/target.
So either always keep that file present (make empty instead of deleting it) .. or re-bookmark it again.