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Redux reducer prompting TypeError undefined after UI change

I'm currently building out a Redux application sort of like Reddit. To learn about state management.

I have now come across an issue I can't get my head around, when I vote on a post I can see the UI changing(+1/-1 vote) but just a second late in prompt with an error.

Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): Cannot read property 'id' of undefined

My component is structured as following

API file

export const submitPostVote = (option, id) => {
    return`${API_URL}/posts/${id}`, {option}, { headers })

Action Creator (using redux-thunk)

export function postPostVote(option, id) {
    const request = API.submitPostVote(option, id)

    return (dispatch) => {
        request.then(({data}) => {
            dispatch({type: SUBMIT_POST_VOTE, payload: data})


export default function(state = {}, action) {
  const {payload} = action
  switch (action.type){
        case SUBMIT_POST_VOTE:
            return {...state, []:}

Component that uses it

import { postPostVote } from '../actions';

 className='fa fa-angle-up voteArrow'
 onClick={() => this.props.postPostVote('upVote', id)}

export default connect(null, {postPostVote})(PostComponent);

So I'm trying to pass along the option(upVote || downVote) as well as an id but I cant understand why it returns the error after a can see the change

Much Appreciated, Petter


  • It looks like you've got a mismatch between how you're defining fields in the action, and using the action in the reducer.

    You're defining your action as {type: SUBMIT_POST_VOTE, payload: data}, but in the reducer, using I assume that won't actually exist, and what you really need is