Despite of set attrsFormtat to legacy it's not working, I get Missing parameter: updateAction
Any suggestions?
EDITED: I try it in a million ways and i can't handle this always getting the same error.
I am not an expert in Cepheus Broker but I have a bit of experience playing with Cepheus CEP and Orion Context Broker in FIWARE ecosystem, maybe I can be useful.
According to the official documentation of CEP, you should be deploying Cepheus Broker before Orion Context Broker instead after. I know that both speak the same NGSI API so it should be the same, but I am not completely sure about that. Any particular reason why you are deploying these components in that order?
I make a little experiment using official Docker images of Cepheus Broker and Orion context Broker, creating context subscriptions through v1 and v2 Orion APIs. The same error as you on Cepheus Broker logs.
Then I proved with this little app made by Fiware fellows, that you can use for debbuging NGSI context subscriptions. I tried with v1 and v2 subscriptions, with legacy and no legacy in v2 and any of this produces a "updateAction" field in the request. Then I realized that as far as I know, within the NGSI API methods the only service that receives the updateAction parameter is the updateContext service.
May be Cepheus can not connect with Orion Context Broker through Context Subscription mechanism. Maybe he's waiting for a context update instead a context change notification.
Sorry for not being of more help.