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How to send GraphQL mutation from one server to another?

I would like to save some Slack messages to a GraphQL backend. I can use the Slack API and what they call "Slack App Commands" so everytime a message is send to my Slack channel, Slack will automatically send a HTTP POST request to my server with the new message as data.

I was thinking using an AWS lambda function to forward this post request to my GraphQL server endpoint (I am using GraphCool). I am pretty new to GraphQL, I've used Apollo to create mutations from the browser. Now I need to send mutation from my Node server (AWS Lambda function) instead of the browser. How can I achieve that?



  • GraphQL mutations are simply HTTP POST requests to a GraphQL endpoint. You can easily send one using any HTTP library such as request or axios.

    For example, this mutation,

    mutation ($id: Int!) {
      upvotePost(postId: $id) {

    and query variable,

    $id = 1

    is an HTTP POST request with a JSON payload of

      "query": "mutation ($id: Int!) { upvotePost(postId: $id) { id } } ", 
      "variables": { "id": 1 } 

    Take note that query is your GraphQL query as a string.

    Using axios as an example, you can send this to your server using something like this,

      method: 'post',
      url: '/graphql',
      // payload is the payload above
      data: payload,