I am trying to recreate Nicole White's microblog application powered by Flask and Neo4j tutorial but using py2neo v3 rather than v2. I'm a novice but keen to understand & learn by tinkering...
I know that graph.merge_one() has been replaced by graph.merge() in v3 but I cannot figure out how to get tags out of my database, or if they don't exist then create them in order to use them to create a relationship with a node.
Nicole does it like this using py2neo v2...
for tag in tags:
t=graph.merge_one("Tag", "name", tag)
rel=Relationship(t, "TAGGED", post)
How can I do it using graph.merge() from py2neo v3?
This appears to work but...
for tag in tags:
t = Node("Tag", name=tag)
rel=Relationship(t, "TAGGED", post)
I wish there was a tutorial to follow. The docs are so terse...