Initially in my main code section I had an ugly if statement - though ugly it would run. I decided to make it a function that I would call, this caused me to get an error "Compile error: ByRef argument type mismatch". My assumption is that the function needs to be referenced properly, though I've been reading the documentation and can't see why >.<
Declaring ShiftValue variable:
Dim ShiftValue As String
ShiftValue = LCase(Sheets("Raw_Rota").Cells(Counter, "C").Value)
The function contents and declaration:
Function ShiftCompare(ByRef ShiftValue As String)
If StrComp(ShiftValue, "am", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Call IncAMs(AMs) 'this function increments the variable by 1.
Call Inc(Counter)
ElseIf StrComp(ShiftValue, "pm", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Call IncPMs(PMs)
Call Inc(Counter)
ElseIf StrComp(ShiftValue, "days", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Call IncDays(Days)
Call Inc(Counter)
ElseIf StrComp(ShiftValue, "leave", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Call IncLeave(Leave)
Call Inc(Counter)
Else 'If the string doesn't compare to the above values tally it as unknown
Call IncUnknown(Unknown)
Call Inc(Counter)
End If
End Function
My function call is in the Else part of an If section like so:
If X
"'Do stuff..."
Call ShiftCompare(ShiftValue)
The error is raised on the Function line:
Function ShiftCompare(ByVal ShiftValue As String)
The value in whatever cell being referenced is either empty or a string.
The value of the parameter when you are calling the function is not a string. Check the value of ShiftValue
and try again. If you want to make sure it is a string, pass it like this Call ShiftCompare("MyStringValue")
The idea of the Function is that it is good that it returns a value.
Yours does not return. Change Function
to Sub