I have a Github
repository, which is builded on CircleCI
. I get following error:
export TERM="dumb" if [ -e ./gradlew ]; then ./gradlew dependencies;else gradle dependencies;fi bash: line 2: ./gradlew: Permission denied
export TERM="dumb" if [ -e ./gradlew ]; then ./gradlew dependencies;else gradle dependencies;fi returned exit code 126
Action failed: gradle dependencies
I can't get what is this caused by, because I give necessary permissions in circle.yml
- echo y | android update sdk --no-ui --all --filter tools,platform-tools,build-tools-21.1.2,android-21,extra-google-m2repository,extra-google-google_play_services,extra-android-support
- chmod 777 gradlew
- chmod a+x gradlew
- ANDROID_HOME=/usr/local/android-sdk-linux ./gradlew dependencies
- ./gradlew testVanillaDebugUnitTest -PdisablePreDex
- echo "y" | sudo /opt/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud beta test android run --app app/build/outputs/apk/app-vanilla-debug.apk --test app/build/outputs/apk/app-vanilla-debug-androidTest.apk --device-ids Nexus5 --os-version-ids 22 --locales en --orientations portrait
Looking at you circle.yml
(found here), the failure is not from lines #25 or #26, it's line #14.
Please notice that order of execution is
So what you need to do is remove lines 23, 24 and add chmod +x gradlew
as the first command in dependencies:pre