In tensorboard, it is easy to display the loss curve of a single CNN model. If I trained two models seperately (inception-v4 and ResNet, for example) and I want to plot loss curves of those at the same time(like the figure shown below), what should I do? enter image description here
I think You can achieve this by creating two separate FileWriter
s - one for each model:
inceptionWriter = tf.summary.FileWriter('/tmp/TensorBoards/example/inception4')
ResnetWriter = tf.summary.FileWriter('/tmp/TensorBoards/example/ResNet')
And then using those writers to add summaries for inpection and ResNet models respectively.
inceptionWriter.add_summary(loss_summary, step)
ResnetWriter.add_summary(loss_summary, step)
The only thing left to do is to run tensorBoard using
tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/TensorBoards/example
TensorBoard will automatically combine data in one plot
In my case it looks like this
BTW There is really interesting demo of basic tensorboard capabilities presented by one of google's developers