I'm trying to create MongoDB database with some references within Symfony. In my context I have 2 documents Customer and Meeting, One Customer can have Many Meeting so that what I did :
namespace FrontOfficeBundle\Document;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations as MongoDB;
* @MongoDB\Document
class Meeting
* @MongoDB\Id
* @MongoDB\ReferenceOne(targetDocument="Customer")
protected $id;
* @MongoDB\Field(type="timestamp")
protected $creationDate;
namespace FrontOfficeBundle\Document;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations as MongoDB;
* @MongoDB\Document
class Customer
* @MongoDB\Id()
* @MongoDB\ReferenceMany(targetDocument="Meeting")
protected $id;
* @MongoDB\Field(type="string")
protected $username;
and then when I run the command line:
php bin/console doctrine:mongodb:schema:update
I got :
No identifier/primary key specified for Document 'FrontOfficeBundle\Document\Meeting'. Every Document must have an identifier/primary key.
I tried by using @MongoDB\UniqueIndex() but no way. I think that @MongoDB\Id is supposed as an identifier !!!
Any ideas ?
Thanks you.
Finally I found a solution, first I added a field called $meetings in the document Customer and an other $customer in the document meeting like this :
* @MongoDB\ReferenceMany(targetDocument="meeting", mappedBy="customer")
protected $meetings;
* @MongoDB\ReferenceOne(targetDocument="customer", inversedBy="meetings")
protected $customer;
Then run the command line to generate setters and getters:
php bin/console doctrine:mongodb:generate:documents mybundleBundle
And when I run a fixtures (Creating one customer then its meeting), everything work fine, you'll notice that the relationship 1 to many has been defined in your document (I'm using compass to display mongoDB) as a One-to-Squillions model (for more details about 1-to-N relationship : (https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/6-rules-of-thumb-for-mongodb-schema-design-part-1) that's mean the son document (meeting) contains the reference of the parent as shown below :
In MongoDB the @MongDB/Id is a primary key and the foreign key and never try to define references to this unique field.
Thanks for your attention.