I would like to get the MAC address of the device my iOS device connects to via BLE, but I can see only the UUID.
I've understood from searching the issue over the web that's it's not possible to get the MAC, but only in UUID. I've also understood that the UUID is generated by the iOS and that the device doesn't "know" it...however the posts i've found were old (2-3 years old) so I was wondering if anything has changed? Is there a way to get the MAC rather than the UUID, or at least reproduce the process that iOS does to convert UUID back to MAC address?
Thanks in advance
In iOS not possible to get mac address of CBPeripheral object. If CBPeripheral object advertisement mac address in "kCBAdvDataServiceData" value then convert to mac address, otherwise not possible. In iOS unique id is UUID for CBPeripheral. Every diff. iOS device shows diff. UUID of same CBPeripheral. If differentiate two or more CBPeripheral object then use RSSI range/value.